Alex Devlin

Guys, you're over thinking it.

Wasn't there something similar to this that they did in mice or rats or something? They found that injecting stem cells from the host into the area where the nerve damage was that in a certain percent of cases it repaired itself. No legal worries AFAIK because you are using cells from the host body, just moving them

The old guy is a smarmy looking bastard. He has an attitude where "What are you gonna do about it?" How did he think this was going to end? The guy has proof and it's now out in the paper. If he had kicked the guy out and told him to go screw himself it would have ended up in court and he wouldn't have had a chance of

Prepaid phones are more popular over here in the UK than in the US. I think people over here like to change their phones a lot more too. So that might have something to do with it.

DAMN! Look at the "steering" rack on that chick!

You guys do know that it's a "girl" with head-lites that size, right?

I was thinking about them being in the ship and not in a suit. Although I can imagine that having the rear nozzle fail could be a horrible way to die. Having your insides sucked out through your asshole. And I bet that somewhere on the internet there is a website dedicated to that as a sex act.... :-P

I've always wondered that if you farted in zero gravity, would it propel you forward? I'm guessing it would but by how much? Or would it actually? Now I think about it, I guess that blowing air out of your mouth would be the same thing. So would that be enough force to propel you? What we need is an astronaut who can

Wow. Just.. fucking wow.

Had a few issues with OK DMV when I was trying to get my first license there. Went to take my driving test and the first time they canceled on me at the last minute. Second time they told me that the crack on my windshield was too big to be overlooked. (12 inches max apparently) Third time it started to rain and they

I think I agree with you on this. For example, I have no interest in fashion, and no amount of studying it would change my opinion. So I think that you have to have been born with at least some small amount of interest in a subject to start the fire.

I think #5 is a valid point. A lot of guys judge women by their looks first and abilities second. I have a friend who can't get into a TV show if there is a main female lead that he doesn't find attractive. Sadly, being a guy I have judged women by their looks first. I catch myself doing it and then stop, but can't

I have to admit that I just don't get the point of paying that much for a painting. Here's my reasons. If it was something that only you will ever be able to see while you own it, then yeah, maybe I could understand. But when it's something that you can buy in a print or a poster and pay a few dollars, why would you

I still don't think the impact would be strong enough though. If it was, wouldn't this be happening a lot more?

Didn't this happen to someone else once with a Mercedes logo?

People use algebra all the time without realizing it. My youngest gave me the same argument about learning it. When will he ever use it after school? So I showed him how he will. I said, you just go this part time job at Mickey D's right? And your hours will be different each week as they schedule you around your

Still love that movie!

I hate to say this, but I paused it.... and still can't tell if he was wearing bottoms or not. It certainly looks like... er.... well... yeah...

Thanks buddy, you actually answered one of my questions when you covered file size. I did a search for more info and got what I was curious about.