Alex Devlin

I used to work in sales and as I read that Edmunds article it brought back some good and bad memories. Thankfully my dealer wasn't like that at all, but I've dealt with a lot of dealers who are identical to that story.

This is just awesome! I really hope it doesn't turn out to have some weird ass side effects like turning us into zombies or something...

Sweet dude!


I thought the article was going to be about animated business cards. I was thinking along the lines of those old 3D things where the picture changed as you tilted it. Remember them?

Holy shit dude, that story is just awesome!

I really wasn't interested in how they worked. But I watched the vid in the background and still didn't totally get it. But now I'm curious, so I'll watch it again and then go searching on the net to find out more.

I'm thinking about going for a water cooling system on my next PC. I would love to take a look at a water cooled laptop. I wonder if Alienware have anything like this coming up?

I agree 100%. But there is a time and a place for those discussions. And first thing on a Saturday morning when they ask me, "Are drugs cool?" is not when I wanted to have it. That's the problem I had. It was too prominent a story and brought up a subject I wasn't ready to discuss with them yet. But anyway, it's done

I'm not so sure about this...

No probs. Giz in still one of the few places on the net where you can agree to disagree with most people and have a conversation. I've dropped a few sites that would attack anyone who thought differently to the crowds opinion. Giz seems to keep that under control and allow discussions. Something kinda rare on the net

Noted and agree.

Yeah it was a knee jerk reaction to a saturday morning conversation I wasn't ready to have. I'm ok with the other stuff on Giz as it's easier to explain. But drugs are a delicate area and it just threw me first thing to have this there.

I know a few iPad owners who think the same way you do. The iPad 3 doesn't offer anything so much better that it's worth making the jump to it. And I can understand the heat and charging issues too. If you need to remember to plug it in a little earlier at night so it's ready in the morning and then maybe get to a

Yeah, when you sit back and think about it... :-)

Have we just reached a point where there isn't much else we can do to these things? I mean we can up the speed and RAM and storage. Add a better camera and battery... but then what? There isn't any new tech that is ready to be put into the public market. So nothing new we can add to these to make them a "must have

I'm not using that "think of the children" argument. I'm not that old yet dude!

I'm not against it. I think it's everyone's own choice. I just don't think they should make it a front page thing when kids could be reading it. Until it's legal for recreational use, it's a difficult are to navigate with kids. So it would be easier not worrying that a tech site is now running stories about it.

I know they're only out certain times of the years, but there was a shop I found that had them year round. I think the owner bought lots of them to keep them on the shelves all year because they were a good seller.

I know that pot is legal in some places and there is a strong group of people trying to legalize it. But what does it have to do with tech and gadgets? I have friends whose kids read Giz for tech info and they don't need to be reading about pot and it's uses. Could we please cut out the drug articles or at least move