
But don't you have to then manually go to the "Kinnect" menu to use the voice commands?

Also it saves electricity!

I remember reading a story about how some Japanese scientists were able to predict an earthquake by examining the animals around them; however their research was conveniently destroyed by an earthquake.

Well that explains it; Orange County is where all the bat-sh!t conservatives live.

"too slow"

It's sort of interesting because perhaps in the span of human history we have never been exposed to anything like the moon's unique composition. I would think that our brain is just filling in the gaps in order to present us with what that smell actually is. Maybe it's the same way with the chemical composition of

Wow Justine Beiber really looks like a lesbian in that picture.

There's one story about how Josef Mengele escaped to a village in Brazil where his genetic experiments came to fruition.

I work across the street from one of their corporate headquarters, we use their software every day for email, calender, training, etc. They're still very alive and kicking.

"It's what we call a global killer. The end of mankind. Doesn't matter where it hits, nothing would survive, not even bacteria."

I thought they were able to get an internet connection with a 20 minute delay. So, they weren't in total media black-out. Althought I'd have to imagine that they would have more urgent scientific matters to attend to than checking their facebook.

"When did they open up a fish market in Central Park?"

And remember, never yell "Hi!" to your friend Jack.

It will still make you trip balls to the moon and back, but may very likely kill you.

So I've posed this question before but never got a definitive answer, do modern humans in Africa have 4% Neanderthal DNA, or is it just Asians and Europeans?

Should have been written in Hitler's blood.

Always keep one eye on skynet.

Fucking Chase.