
No humor? I loved it when Haggard is talking about going into the DEET and how it might have messed him up.

I had JUST left an interview for a position at an Apple retail store. I was sitting in my car checking Facebook before driving home. Serendipitous right?

Yeah I hate those bug repellers that do that, it sounds like a million tiny voices that have been down sampled.

It does lay eggs.

It is now. Just went biblical.

I keep waiting for AlphaDog to turn around and yell "QUIT PUSHING ME ASSHOLE! I'M TRYING TO WALK HERE!"

Totally! The first step to great health is to just start walking. I started walking when I quit smoking 3 months ago to take my mind off the cravings, and last weekend I completed a half-marathon with my girlfriend.

That's precious gas you're wasting son.

In space we are all just human.



That sort of attitude is what made BFBC2 into such an AMAZING game. I'm really excited to see the same level of dedication in BF3.

Yeah, you need to create pressure for it to do any real damage. Otherwise the shock wave will just explode out in the free direction.

Oh okay, that makes a lot more sense. It's strange to think that Homo Habilis made it as far as Java, where Homo Sapiens just hung around Africa until there was hardly any food left.

Is he being sarcastic?

Bring it.

Talk amongst yourselves!

We'll be riding light-cycles with Kurzweil any day now.

"Gillette Mach 5 Fusion razor" You don't need 5 blades to get a good shave, in fact more than 2 blades will cause razor burn and in-grown hairs. I recommend shaving immediately after you shower and use a 2-blade razor with a gel strip. Also, guys really don't need to use conditioner. All those excess chemicals are bad

Seriously, I just rely on the music to tell me if I won/lost.