Alex Claxton


I'm pretty sure Hyden wrote an STP apologetic a few years ago, and you know what? He was right on. They're not the greatest band in the world, but they're much, much better than most give them credit for (Core is kind of lame, though).

move over ZODIACMF, haysoos is my new favorite AVC commenter.

all of these are true - and while we're on it, both the genus and species should be italicized.

haysoos -
Monte Verde may not be 33 ka, but it sure as shit is pre-Clovis.


Yeah, most anthropologists are bullshit socio-cultural anthropologists.

Holy shit, I should have gotten in on some of that action on the Snyder interview. I was pretty sure it'd be a C+

All three of those statements are true, not registered.

This was awesome
Congrats to Tasha

Is it ever explained why the skull in that picture is not modern? (In that it belongs to another species of hominid - most likely Homo erectus) Is it spelled out that the predators have been hunting us for hundreds of thousands of years? (Kinda like the guns tossed to Danny Glover at the end of Predator 2) Or is

del Toro would have been boss, but who wouldn't have wanted to see Neil Blomkamp's intenseasfuck version of this?

Comparing Norman Rockwell to this asshat, even favorably, is a big slight against Rockwell.

Okay, I've been meaning to read the O'Brian books for years now, so thanks AVClub for giving me a good reason.

Hey VanDerWerff!
Who's your respected paleontologist friend? I only ask because I'm a paleontologist-in-training and… I'm curious.

This reminds me an awful lot of those parody guitar videos, which are hysterical:

Not gonna lie…
Pretty much any movie where the Allegretto to Beethoven's 7th is used prominently will get me in some way or the other.

David Wallce
drinks Yuengling. Even in dispair, he is a man of taste.

Sure, sure… the Na'vi or whatever look cartoony. But I think Cameron is making a smart move - he obviously wanted to really play with mocap and improved CG and was clever enough to not have actors mocapping human characters a la Zemekis. It seems that he is bypassing (or at least attempting to) the uncanny valley