Alex Bouchard

I was going to drop for Diablo 3 today, and keep Max Payne waiting until Friday. But, with the issues happening with thje servers and such, I think I'll be picking up Max today and wait til the servers can calm down a little bit til I grab Diablo.

Yeah, cause they didn't spend the last four years crafting a single player campaign that has many people extremely excited and than decided to delay the game in order to offer a better experience for the player. Oh wait, they did.

I'd really like to see Hockey Night In Canada represented in the NHL games, get me some Don Cherry and Coaches Corner ala ESPN presentation style from the NFL 2K series and have the Saturday Canadian games broadcasted in HNIC style. I think it would be a refreshing change and I'm honestly a huge Don Cherry whore.

You can catch them daily on a few other satellite (or local depnding on where you live) here in Canada. I used to Love Screen Savers and that damn awesome Chris Pirillo, but not I must say RIP G4 TechTV.

I really really hope that they have screenshot capturing and sharing in the next gen consoles.

agreed. Me and my buddy had high hopes for it. Felt robbed when we played, my game is glitched so none of my upgrades every stuck. Always had to restart from scratch every game, such bs.

It's called parents helping you out while paying for school.

I lived in Toronto, and a trip to Steam Whistle before the weekend is always a must. Next time you're there grab a six of the Raspberry, may not sound like your pint of beer but between a glass of Jack it's a good change up.

The last generation I went with a PS3 at launch, that was my system. Very few of my friend's had them, but it was worth every dollar of the 600+ it was here in Canada. I decided on a whim to buy a Wii when it was on sale a year and a half in and honestly it just didn't do it for me. I tried to play Zelda, but found

Now playing

I don't know if anyone else saw this at Coachella last night, but they used holographic technology to have Tupac actualy perform on stage with Snoop. Do you guys think this could be used in video games in the future?

YES xs 10000000000! And my fav. song right now would have to be Jesus Christ by Brand New.

"Drinking beer and smoking pot" That's pretty tame for Vancouver, just saying.

That's crazy man! Sorry you had to give up such a huge part of history that you owned. I hope things went up from there!

My buddy ended up having to do his last year from home, after being in dorm for 2 years. He actually loved it, was surprised how much he saved and how much more it made him appreciate home life. Hopefully your experience is the same!

I may have to sell my Alienware desktop in order to pay for my next semester of school :( It's really sad to think I may have to dispose of something that has brought me such joy for a year and a half. I remember dreaming as a kid that I would one day own on, but not damn education may be getting in my way.

Yeah, you an tell Scott has been playing video games for a long time but it seems to have made him a little cynical on all aspects of most games. I do miss the days of Tommy Talarico! That man made the original show so much more exciting. We wouldn't have Video Games live without him either!

Does anybody else here watch Electric Playground/Reviews on the Run? I've been watching iterations of both these shows for at least 10 years and Victor Lucas is by far my fav. video game journalist. He always seems to be able to cover games in a non-bias way, and he always seems genuinely excited about new innovations

I was pretty surprised to see 2 confirmation emails from Microsoft confirming a purchase for 6000 and 2000 live points!! Thanks to fraud protection it's already been taken care of. Although, it did remind me that i had Beyond Good and Evil HD downloaded, so maybe some justice has been served.

I never played the original SPlinter Cells, worth the sale pricetag??