Of course it's not serious. It's made for frat boys to hang in their rooms. It's a random selection of brand names when you get down to that level.
Of course it's not serious. It's made for frat boys to hang in their rooms. It's a random selection of brand names when you get down to that level.
This also gets kudos for not speeding up the GIF
When catching a football or baseball you need your hands as far forward as possible, since you can't make the play with your feet, this launching your hands forward is useful, especially if the ball is below the knees, where you will have to break the run anyway. In base-running, or sprinting, this is not the case.
What I hate is that if I'm going 200kph, I don't want to have to get close to the car in front of me for them to get out of the way. But sometimes if you try to keep a safe distance, the cars won't pull over. They only respond to driving up fast AND close. Also if if I'm in the left lane and there are 5 cars in…
The typical way for the aggressive German driver to get your attention is not to flash brights, but to get about 2 meters from your bumper, and failing that, start weaving back and forth 2 meters from your bumper, or kind of veer a bit towards the line between lanes, which I don't understand. All at 160 kph.
Fortunately that's illegal on the Autobahn
Exactly, when somebody is going 150+, even on the Autobahn, in traffic it's risking the lives of people around you. Anybody can drive on the Autobahn, even careless people or idiots. Or Americans that don't know all the rules (or don't expect when they are going 100 you still need to look before you pass).
While German drivers are generally very good about rules about passing and staying in lanes, they are terrible about tailgating. The rule of the autobahn is, if you want to go faster, drive as close to the person in front of you as possible until they speed up or change lanes. Even if you can't go faster because…
my thoughts exactly
These GIFs are terrible. I can't tell where the hell the ball is.
Almost as bad is the announcer in the video calling this "technology".
On the other hand, if one could just bowl recklessley towards the basket on critical plays knowing the most likely result would be a defensive foul, it wouldn't really be in the spirit of the game and competition either. If you want that, try pulling up for a jump shot over the defender.