
The ‘advantage’ that children in homes with firearms have is that they are far more likely to die from guns than children in homes without firearms. Facts are stubborn things.

Man, nothing beats how readily dudes will jump to prove the opposite of the point they’re trying to make.

You do realize this is talking about the world of the show right............ like, it’s saying that despite there being women in Gilead with “power” doing awful stuff. They too are still controlled by the men in charge, men who are monstrous and evil.

JFC , there’s literally one in every comment-section.

“The Handmaiden’s Tale gives more proof that men are complicit in and designed a religiously-motivated patriarchal system that oppresses women but seriously, not all men though, most men are great people even if they unconsciously or unknowingly participate in

You know... if you thought about it for more than two seconds before defaulting into FEMINISM IS MEAN TO MEN!!!!! you might realize that this headline is talking about the world of the tv show, and how this episode showed how despite there being some women doing awful stuff. Most of that stuff is being done in a

Jesus, it’s like a festival of #notallmen idiots up in here.


Mein Nipple Clamphf?

Please not Adam, his off screen persona is too irritating to want to see him in more things

“FEWER of those errors”


I miss Rev. Any Rev fans?


I’m very much looking forward to your parsing of the meanings of feminism and the feminist movement to allow you to suggest that people who don’t think that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men somehow still “love all women” and aren’t misogynists.

You’re wrong.

You’re not — turn down the persecution complex, dweeb.

I love all the “oh, I’m old, I don’t get it.” There is nothing to get, you guys. I’m 27 and I laughed at the video. Why? Because a kid was using a funny voice to say nonsensical shit to another (good-looking) kid. Like.... what isn’t to get????? People’s desire to be “soooo above” memes is what I don’t get.

low-hanging fruit

Agreed. I find this article to be a tad extra sensitive on the topic. Mulder is clearly not incredibly familiar with the topic and explaining it can be confusing and mildly uncomfortable to some. Especially in a fantastical sense to a very confused were-monster who’s somehow Australian. To the general public this can

It’s a show about monsters. I didn’t get that the writer was trying to draw a parallel between monster and trans* at all. Mulder fumbled his explanation and it felt appropriate. He’s a forty something year old cis guy that watches a shit ton of porn. He’s not going to get it 100% correct but he tried. The writer

Except it’s John JACOB Jingleheimer Schmidt!