Nothing like a scathing, totally unsupported criticism to boost ones own self-esteem without the hassle of communication or critical thinking. That rush lost its appeal for me when I turned 14, but your milage may vary.
Nothing like a scathing, totally unsupported criticism to boost ones own self-esteem without the hassle of communication or critical thinking. That rush lost its appeal for me when I turned 14, but your milage may vary.
I took my daughter and her friend to Bieber a few years back. I only got to see her joy from the concourse as I took her to her seat, and then I waited with the other parents in the bar. She said her friend sat and took video of the whole show and didn’t dance at all. She is mortified that Bieber was her first…
I suppose. I still think it smacks a little bit of not recognizing that Hillary isn’t her Husband and isn’t on the hook for the shitty things he may have done.
We were playing hide and seek and things just really got out of hand.
Why did you put a dead rat in your wall?
I’m well versed in physics and why cyclists don’t want to come to a complete, or even near, stop. And guess what?
The kid didn’t scream. And the author had a plan in place to remove her in case she did. I’ve had my kid at work a bunch of times, even when he was small. I worked in QA for a startup software company, and we did what was necessary to make release. If we had to bring the kid so we could work a night or weekend, we…
I agree. Nobody is less charmed by children than me, but I am even less charmed (negative charmed!) by those people who pretend it’s a reasonable worldview to insist that children should be kept in their homes and away from polite society until they’re 17 and 4 months.
Oh for fuck’s sake. The attitude that you can’t go to someplace without your kid because it’s “professional” and that you need to have a babysitter or child-keeper at all times is anti-feminist to the core and supports notions that the only people who “deserve” to reproduce are the affluent.
I would watch another Pirates movie if Geoffrey Rush was headlining it instead of Johnny Depp.
There is an ipetition to get Golden Girls on Netflix.
SECONDED. Some bonesless wings with three mile island sauce are the perfect hangover/pregnancy food.
Regardless, if your business doesn’t make enough money to pay your employees a living wage, then it is not a very good business, and deserves to go broke.
It looks like royal purple to me?
While I am far from being a “collector”, it should be noted the Princess Di bear was purple and not navy. There. I said it.
That's purple... I had the bear too (thanks grandma). It's definitely purple.
I went to a funeral for a teenager and the service sheet was written in Comic Sans.
The fact that they take pictures of their kids’ lunches and make snide comments about others’ choices indicates it is not done purely for love of their children, but as a PERFORMANCE for other parents who are just as awful as themselves.