Look, are you ready for some football?!
Look, are you ready for some football?!
Idiot control now!
Its a favorite episode of creator Joel Hodgson too
A great mix, got a lot of favorites. Oh and "Torcha! "
as a general rule, other than that one episode he never killed anyone that was human. it was robots and stuff. Did it actually show Jack do it?
The daughters of Aku feel like a concept that Tartakovsky wanted to do earlier but couldnt because theres no way for it to end without Jack straight up murdering a human being. And of course, the child abuse.
Its on Hulu, i watched a couple of episodes to catch up. Its as good as i rember
Hell, i am shipping it, It would be a lot more interesting than their attempts to get Kara and Mon-El together.
Somewhere someone is shipping Supergirl and Lena Luthor.
Theres also Nazi Furs, the less said the better
As a person who is guility of putting steak sauce and Worchester sauce on my steaks,, i won't pretend to take the moral high ground. That I said, I am appalled at this. Even this philistine has enough standards to at least eat my steak with something that was made for steak not something you put on fries. I wouldnt…
Theres a theory that the joker and lex luthor were in BVS at one point but somehow their characters got merged. Its a plasuable theory
Insert Kellyanne Conway joke here
But could he defeat Hardy in a mumble-off?
I believe the reason hes still in america is because no one wants him and the UK doesnt want him back. "Hes your problem now, mate"
Ohhhh, that would be amazing, maybe he could do The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. I would love a movie or tv version of that.
That reminds me, i should write Trump a letter about freeing Jack Bauer from that Russian Prison
Loved you on World's Dumbest
The first Sin City is still a good movie, It sounds like it should have remained sequel less.
Its nice to see I am not in the minority in liking the RE movies. I wont lie and say they are great or good movies. But they are good trashy fun movies, great for a lazy afternoon or to watch when nothing is on