Mac gaming is more expensive than Linux gaming ;)
Mac gaming is more expensive than Linux gaming ;)
And that the omnibar is always there even if you scroll down, taking precious pixels
I also find that the 3D depth helps with my accuracy in games like starfox 64 3D with enemies that don't lock-on, like the 5 missiles in sector 6, the "butterflies" that give golden rings in area 6 and meteo, and Andross
Now I want to play GTA IV again :P
I'll play Torchlight then, it doesn't need the internets because it's not an MMO... oh wait...
Piracy is not theft, you are not taking the property of another person/company, you are making a copy circumventing the DRM but they still have the "original" file
I guess it is Elite Beat Agents 2
Or what about getting Club Nintendo Coins? that would be awesome!
or that you can attach a USB HDD to the console... lowering the cost if you already own one of those
AFAIK there's a bandwidth limit for free users, so maybe the MegaUpload alternative could not work at all
OMG!!!!1!! PONIES!!!
The other "app" that I would swap my iPad for a W8 tablet is the Windows Explorer. File management is something i miss on the iPad due to the sandbox restriction. Yes you can do it with iFile on a Jailbroken iPad but you still have to copy the file to the app folder in order for it to work, which is impractical when…
Am I the only one who read the title and thought about FF XIII and/or FF XIII-2?
In my case, I hate fighting games because I suck at them, so much that even a 4 yr. old can beat me mashing buttons :P
Hey Kirk, you forgot to mention that she has boobs and batman doesn't :P