Alejandro Mulatto

Why you mad?

Granted, it is clearly a sexual song. But to jump all the way to rape.. Well, that's a big jump and shame on the internet for trying to ruin good things like that. Shit, I never complain when the internet goes in on the misogyny in hip hop, but going at Robin Thick for Blurred Lines is just trolling.

It's a win for paraplegics everywhere

You can't do that to art. When someone makes art, it's made for various interpretations. If an individual finds rape in that art, it doesn't define that art, it defines that person. That's why I don't see it. And the only reason you probably see it is because someone or some internet article tryna use buzz words like

Sooo.. U peeped it, but none of them did. Interesting.. You're insight must be uncanny.

That makes sense.

I see. So you suck for posting spoilers and I call you on it but I suck more because you decided I enjoy watching rape scenes from no information at all. Nice one.

Her whole thing was she was basically sold as a bride by her brother. A prisoner bride. And Khal.. Well.. He's got the longest ponytail I ever did see on a man so the dude is walking talking savagery. I was surprised that rape scene wasn't much more brutal, though I appreciate that it wasn't. I hate watching rape

Yo. Cool it with the spoilers..

True. Very true. Though I doubt those kinds of charges stick if you're high born. Lol. Rapers. Sounds like a football team.

In simple terms, that makes sense, and I would not argue. However, as I stated in my comment below, there was a context for not giving consent in both of the rape instances mentioned in the article. I don't feel like these were missteps on the part of the show writers. I personally think the books got it wrong, though

That explains why the internet tried to call Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines a rape culture song..

In Westeros, rape probably isn't even a crime. Part of the appeal of it is how savage a world they live in. A man raping his lover in Westeros won't carry as much weight as it would in our world. This isn't a show about teaching us what kinds of people to be. It's entertainment (preferably for the mature and stable

Lol. Way to see the big picture.

Why is it misogynistic to portray the female characters as unwilling to have sex?

Interesting article, however I completely disagree with the conclusions. The books make the women (Cersei and Dany) seem more sexually willing, going against their reasonable unwillingness (Cersei feeling as though Jamie abandoned her and Dany being a captive bride rather than a willing one) and the men (Jamie and