When will developers realize that games which start slow need an option that lets you skip past all the slow start on subsequent playthroughs?
When will developers realize that games which start slow need an option that lets you skip past all the slow start on subsequent playthroughs?
You’re right Gita, that does look like a lot of fun when you’re high.
I was never a big racing game guy but I gave that one a go and boy I’d take a rip and be half cut and just drive full speed into the fields, do some burnouts, see how fast you could go before wrecking. You’ve got the jams going on your headset. I was shocked how immersive it was.
Man those quotes are such garbage.
Famous people shouldn’t get lesser punishments than the rest of us. Nobody wants to play against an aim-botter, whether it’s a pro on a smurf account or not. Frankly, even if he’s telling people not to do this, he’s still sending the message that it’s okay to do it.
a) he cheated so he should get banned
Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time.
The PC version is running well on max setting for me and looks gorgeous on my PC with an RTX 2070 .
I would say Its a good idea to be patient, and see how long it takes them to fix bugs and crashes. I wouldn’t agree with your metaphor. Its more like waiting to buy a Jaguar because the later hardware revisions probably wont have sticking gas pedals and janky steering.
Nah it’s more like: Some can’t start the car, some others have noticed their breaks intermittently won’t work and some others couldn’t turn their wipers on when it started raining
“In the future, Kojima Productions will also start making films,” Kojima said. “If a person can do one thing well, then they should be able to do anything well.”
We had to wait over a year for RDR2, but holy smokes does it look gorgeous on PC. I’d definitely wait for the “superior version” of Death Stranding if it means similar enhancements.
Waits for PC ports are usually a good thing anyway. I’d rather they take their time instead of rushing it.
It sucks that we have to wait almost a year but hey, good on Kojima bringing it to PC. Its going to be an absolutely beautiful game.
I have to agree, I don’t really care for the “defend the terminal(s)“ bit. The small puzzles in which you have to complete in a specific order are kinda neat, but they got old fast too. I did like the tons of crafting materials available, though.
Maybe this makes me a bad person, but at this point I’m just following Fallout 76 news for the entertainment value.
waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?
I get to be a gun-slinging space Socialist?
Fun detected -> Fun nerfed.
Eventually you play for hours on end as the comfort of the chair allows you to play for far longer than in a normal chair. You sink in its folds as it envelopes you. The neck brace is your neck. The backrest becomes a permanent vertebrae. You become an amorphous blob, effortlessly transitioning between chair and…