Alec Beals

Ooh, no. I'm a courtroom stenographer. Recording devices are not allowed, and hiring requirements for this type of job are usually at least 200 wpm handwritten. Dropping the E won't get you there, but its a start.

Sounds like this tip isn't for you, even if studies show you learn more by writing instead of typing. I think some would disagree about affording a laptop and the ability to afford a laptop goes with a post high school education—especially those people in the financial aid office.

Welp, you not only missed the issue at hand completely...but you didn't even read the article.

Apparently... I was just ticked because I have run across a certain type of asshole, the one who pretends to understand tax law and uses it to make a political point based on garbage data.

Malforus corrects your numbers, but I'd like to correct the premise of your argument.

Dude who the fuck told you all those lies?

This is your friendly reminder that youtube comparison videos are not an accurate representation of a game running live or even captured with less video compression/higher bitrate. Also, nitpicking about this stuff is silly. Games look better on the new consoles compared to last gen and the same games will (usually)

Oh it's art. It is failing entirely to evoke anything else from me but "what is that cluttered amateur looking mess". But it's art...

Is blogging art? I sure hope it counts, otherwise I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.

Ehh. I suppose I'm in the minority here. I played all the good-ol'-days silent hills and I loved all of them (apart from the Silent Hill 1's stupid flying monsters). This one, though... I get that they're trying to do a Silent Hill: The Room thing here with the first person angles and the ghostly goolies and I also

Hey hipster... get your foot off of my fender or I'm going to fucking kill you.

Hey hipster... get your foot off of my fender or I'm going to fucking kill you.

You don't buy an Aston Martin for the speed. You buy one to be the classiest motherfucker around.

Good on him. I like to see people putting their money where their mouths are.

Because black male in his 20s last seen wearing a hoodie wasn't a fucking joke before the watermelon skittle trippin bitch got shot. Jesus christ, you whiny bitches.

Don't count out Lviv just yet. You're greatly underestimating Putin's desire to have Russia host the Winter Games twice in an eight-year span.

Beat me to it.


Here's hoping it hasn't got access to the US nuclear launch codes yet as that means we won't be able to pull the plug without causing Judgement Day.

where players use sniper rifles without actually aiming down the scope.

smoking is terrible, for everyone (fact, not opinion), allowing it to sponsor a sport I love is not acceptable (my opinion). I agree with you that seeing the company's name fly by on your favourite car will not likely start someone smoking, at best it could sway someone to a different brand of cigarette; however, I do