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    Plot twist:

    a GREAT show about nothing.

    Maybe I'm the only one but every change they made for season 2 was in the wrong direction. From details like a mask instead of the paint (come on, they look horrible and fool nobody) to lowering the stakes. From upgrading the Arrow Cave (The Quiver) to changing from"The Hood" to Arrow to arrows, actually, no longer

    I like the posters and I apreciate the person who made it but that's a lot of earthly landscapes and zero STARS. Star Wars is about war in space, right?

    Avengers, mainly because people laugh and laugh is contagious. Haven't seen GotG yet, but may apply as well.

    I like your choice, Sir. No one saw that origin story coming!

    couldn't agree more. never managed to sit through Evangelion as well.

    I've always seen April as someone to fall in love with, not a nice ass. Fox was such a bad choice IMHO.

    That last image is very Blade Runner-y, I like that.

    Oh man, life's so unfair! Watch Buffy then. Gotta work that Whedon quota!

    Really? Oh man, come on! Don't miss out!

    You too! Great conversation! *follow*

    ...carry the Ford...

    Well, we would love to see some female leads, we would love to hear more diverse stories as we love to discuss this kind of topic but the avarage gamer is playing CoD right now. What I want to say is that we may like to think the avarage gamer is more like us but the truth is that if you take away the yearly generic

    Yes!! There are great stories everywhere! The problem with videogames (and movies and almost any mainstream ) is that they won't risk it. Male main characters are the default because it sells. Gotta go indie and/or search for hidden gems ;)

    Yes, I get that! That why I said there's some great stories to be told there but in videogames stories usually are told from one POV, the main character's. And most NPCs (not just prostitutes) don't have lives in videogames. We might aswell argue that peasants have great stories to tell too!

    We have that. If you fake a fault you should be rewarded with a yellow card. Referees only use this rule when faking penalties for some reason.

    Exactly. Sexual and women objectification is part of our world and has been for centuries (if not always.) You can not portray a whole city without strip clubs (ex. GTA.) Or the far west without borthels (RDR) or the late 1800s/early 1900s Europe without prostitutes at night (Deshonored, kinda.) It's just the way it

    Does this go against Del Toro's idea of a Dark Justice League movie?

    He won't, Amazing Spider-Man 1 was a wreck pacing-wise, so will be this one.