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    down vote.

    Neither do I.

    Nobody mentioned Metro: Last Light and I just bought the game :(

    that would be awesome! tweet me at alezayas!

    but chess is. why?

    chess is recognized as a sport by the International Olympic Committee

    Loved this gun! I'm finishing Link's Master Sword but next I want to make this shotgun come to life! You model could be very useful as I didn't find much n the internet about this beauty!

    loved the hand cannon too. Right after the shotgun.

    i'm pretty sure there's a fee involved.

    i don't get yours.

    Really? I mean, (1) Alan Wake, the forest were scare but the rest of the game wasn't. (2) ME3, gotta admit the banshees here freaky but other than that (?) imho!

    BioShock 1 was amazing. Best in the trilogy. Chills everytime you have to enter a new room.

    yeah, maybe the first 2 hs are scary as you are trying to figure things out but after that it doesn't scare shit anymore. Let's say, the first 10-15% are scary. Play it, man.

    Render, render, render, render. All I see. Really good renders but there's a lot of tell tales.

    maybe he liked Blink 182 and everything has to be 182

    idk man, all I see are Quarians!

    shut up! :P

    Keeping the hand is a nod to the first movie, right? It gotta be! Where the medics/scientists said that the right hand was OK but the suit ordered it replaced anyway.. So in this movie they went the opposite way. Don't like it haha.

    No Evil Within for PS3?

    and needs to be plugged into the wall.