
Not putting miles on your Ferrari is like not having sex with your Girl Friend so she’ll be more desirable to her next Boy Friend.

That feel, when you run to the comments to share your experiences then remember that you don’t have a race car.

The only winning move is not to play.

Also: Don’t be an ass and don’t scare children and animals for fun.

Shortened version:

Don’t scare your cat, because the cat gets scared.

Nice pics. Laguna? the landscape looks familiar but I can’t place those curves.

Yup, Carmelo knew, and it couldn’t even look at Vale in the eyes, btw, he added to go to his trailer to talk later.

x-wings can’t melt steel beams

If it could actually time travel I wonder if he would go back to try to fix his marriage or to before he ever proposed.

Unfortunately, not all bioweapons attacks come from outside.

I guess I can’t speak for anyone else, but my negative feelings towards VW (can’t call it outrage nor anger, really) all center entirely on ethics and corporate responsibility. The truth is, they essentially lied to regulators and their customers.

As a French, I just bursted out laughing seeing a badly modified Renault 9 on Jalopnik.

yeah I saw the same thing, maybe he collided with an invisible time traveler from another dimension?

Plot twist: opportunistic kidnapper.

This. After the Nuclear Holocaust, all that remains will be cockroaches driving first-gen Mustangs.


Btw...the older car....

Mole people. The molemen are stealing sportscars.

Also the pallasite type is something spectacular.

It's a common story here. For me it's like a shame, Innocenti (do you know Lambrettas? :-) was going in the same direction, fortunately Vittorio Tessera, a man with a strong passion for the brand, saved thousand of original designs from a fire started by demolition workers on the site. Actually Mr Tessera is the maker