Mole people. The molemen are stealing sportscars.
No, they're not. The bodies are made by United Pacific Industries under license by Ford, and are being offered for sale by Ford Component Sales.
2 options.
qualified electrician, though wiring it up to plug into a socket is an unusual thing. chargers are usually wired directly into the circuit.
Yes, probably it was more of a publicity stunt, on the other hand it _might_ have some benefit on wet tarmac. Think of the gap b/w the tyres as one huge "gutter".
So, is this measured in horsepower, or squirrelpower?
Fffff, I posted a response 2 times, probably it was moderated....anyway :
1) My reply was not based on a "american car" : it was about a Corvette, which is completely different from a 4C (mechanically speaking). If you think that people is here to write dirty things about your favorite american car or how american cars…
"Ti diro' che l'ho annusata talmente tanto che probabilmente, qualcosa....ha perso."
I'll tell you that I sniffed it so much that probably (the apple) has lost something (his scent).
It is a Ford 351 Cleveland stroked to 400ci. It was built by Kuntz and Company by a previous owner but they couldn't give me a build sheet on it without me having an invoice number or something on the motor. It is being pulled for a refresh soon so I can make sure everything is still solid and I will know what is in…
now we've just got to figure out who's in the better situation.
And here another detailed gallery…
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