
It’s a real original frame for sure. The main problem is that steel subjected to high temperatures loses carbon and becomes iron....not the best for the frame of a sport car :-D

Well, let’s start with one important thing : this is a Lancia Stratos STRADALE, not a normal’s rare. About 490 units were produced, the actual money value refelects this parameter. Also, 1973 and later years are known in Italy for the “energy crisis”....Lancia Stratos were not the first choice for sure

Idiot question: what exact model is the bmw in the video?

I’m a happy owner of an OLD 124 spider.....and, let me write this, any restyling operation with a result that is clearly under the beauty of the original idea....well, it’s lost time.

Don’t take me in the wrong way....but for me it’s just a rifle in a white box.

bauhahahahah omg ahahahahahahah

Fantastic, video content blocked by Dorna ahhahahaah

Now playing

“Hey Carmelo, didn’t I tel you, eh? Didn’t I tell you that, on Thursday? (...) glad to talk to you later... yes, we’ll talk later”. And there’s someone (else?) saying “That was not good at all, Carmelo”

Wow it’s fantastic BUT WHY THE HELL A SUBARU HEAD ?!?! Are so common to find in the US?!?! -_- looks a no working piece of software. On my p2 I’ve never resolved the problem, never worked.

Hell, I wanna marry a girl like her <3


For all the 4T internal combustion sound lovers....I have a secret for you.


Just a question : how much time has a driver to renew a vehicle ispection ? Does it need to be renewed during the validity of the old one or people has a period like 5 days after expiration to do that?

LS? Is that a flat crank?

I wanna share my hi-tech solution : take your chair back far from the monitor, 2 meters more.
Trick 2 : put you monitor more far, about 2 meters more.

A little bit Saab on the back, am I dreaming?

Well....I have a guzzi but let me tell something.