
And I remember a post on this exact site saying drugs that would increase orgasms for women are bad because the medical establishment shouldn’t be telling women what constitutes good sex.

Huh, I seem to remember feminists pressuring the FDA to approve this drug because not doing so would be sexist.

Maybe the FDA will be next to learn to never appease SJWs because they cannot be pleased.

You weren’t aware of it because the shooter is black and you get all your news from Gawker.

How often do these stories end up being fake? Oh, yeah, pretty much every time. Like the one with the Lesbian waitress Gawker was all gung ho about.

Anonymous accusations are not and have never been considered testimony. This is the United States, where the accused have the right to face their accusers.

To my knowledge, these are anonymous allegations right at this point. This is not testimony, bc in order to even pass the lowest hurdle of any credibility a person would have to come forward and directly accuse any person of any wrongdoing. This hasn’t happened yet, but the consequences are that this guy has lost his

Jezebel might as well be called never see articles encouraging cooperation or understanding, just “It’s us versus those assholes.”

Let me summarize: allegations without evidence—>dismissed by Halpern bc of lack of evidence—>still no further evidence backing up the allegations but mounting pressure nonetheless—>termination of employment without even acknowledging her former remarks about the flimsiness of the allegations

Ronda Rousey displayed lousy sportsmanship and got her ass handed to her. Hope she learned some shit from the experience.

Why not? This article is nothing but made up facts. And if you want to talk about other countries ending this practice, we need to clean our own house FIRST.

Yeah, well 90% of men in the US have undergone genital mutilation, and most of the feminist women I know won’t touch one that hasn’t been.

Since I was “dismissed”, I will just post this here.

I’m a hetero white dude. I don’t need to see people who look like me, or are anything like me, to enjoy a TV show or movie. I don’t understand people who do. Heck, one of my favorite films is “Spirited Away” which has a little Japanese girl as a protagonist. That’s about as far away from my personal experience as you

sorry i offended you. i’ll stay on deadspin.

If your goal is to incapacitate nonlethally, you really shouldn’t be shooting the person at all. There’s pretty much no situation where it makes sense to aim for the legs (which are also much more difficult targets).

It was more than getting a few licks in. Militarily speaking, the US won almost every major battle in the Vietnam war. The Vietnamese also suffered way more casualties. The US lost the war because we were outplayed politically and because of the lack of support at home. It was the politicians and strategists that lost

I clutched all of my pearls and literally gasped “no!”

spoken like someone who wouldn’t last 5 secs in the bug infested jungles 50 clicks outside of hanoi. couldn’t tell the mosquitos from the bullets buzzing by my ears. I had a necklace of ears that I traded for some bug spray in ‘68. turned out it was mace - and that is one of the funny stories. can’t confuse the cong

yeah like that 9 month study they did where coed units performed worse at every single task. Such bullshit!

So if we have a woman President that starts a war, we should only send women to fight the war? I see what your saying but it’s a far fetched idea.