Yeah, like my micropenis.
Yeah, like my micropenis.
That’s bizarre, so you’ll suck his dick in the night, but a morning Kiss is gross because you don’t know him?
Because maybe he didn’t rape. How are you so sure he did?
Also, why is this a bad thing? This is great! You don’t have to awkwardly ask her to leave.
What’s with the size shaming tho? Micropenis...shortcomings...haha?
We get it. You’re a nice guy.
Indeed. What the fuck is emotional labour?
Male Entitlement.
Stop hating.
Battered woman syndrome is not a real diagnosis. It has never been in a DSM. I understand that abuse can have dire consequences, but this syndrome has no scientific merit.
So causing grevious bodily harm is a reasonable way of handling infidelity? I’m taking notes.
I know what you mean. All my heroes are perpetrators of domestic violence.
Now if only domestic violence against women was handled this glibly, we might move closer to true equality.
“The afternoon panel, which featured Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, AEI’s Christina Hoff Sommers, and Reason’s Cathy Young on the #GamerGate side, and journalism ethics expert Lynn Walsh, journalism trainer Ren LaForme, and game developer Derek Smart on the “non” side. No “anti” #GamerGate critics attended, which is a…
It has actually only gotten stronger.
That doesn’t make sense. There was a pro- GG panel. Why would they call in death threats?
Gamergate had a bomb threat called in at an event of theirs a few weeks ago. They just moved the party outside.
Repeated Microaggressions?
Male Entitlement.