Found either the Warriors fan or the Cleveland resident, since Cleveland is technically a bay area team.
Found either the Warriors fan or the Cleveland resident, since Cleveland is technically a bay area team.
I don’t think people are aware of this.
I live in Ohio, and a sizable percentage of UM fans here grew up in Ohio and root for UM out of spite. They’re also Steelers fans, because that’s the closest professional franchise to Southeast Ohio.
Depends on your definition, I suppose. A professional women’s league probably isn’t going to be as athletically gifted as a professional men’s league, but you can have a less athletic league that has better technical skill, or better field reading, or other related things. I’ll be the first to admit that my college’s…
You’re not missing anything. Unless you’re also depressed temporarily, the part of your brain that makes you an alcoholic will always be there. Most successful people on the wagon turn that energy towards something constructive.
I straight up just don’t read any article if the author is HamNo anymore. Diana’s great, Drew is great, A few others are always at least interesting, but Hamilton Nolan is basically a gold mine for people who hate anyone who is left of center.
Lindor is one of my favorite young players. Clutch defender and hitter.
This is the most bizarre and retarded complaint bad basketball teams do. What, are they just supposed to stop playing basketball while playing basketball? It wasn’t even show-offy. It’s one thing if you’re beating a high school team by 100 points, this is a game between two teams of supposed professionals.
Counterpoint: Fuck Kenyon.
Jesus, my little league team had a catcher’s mask. That’s rough.
Counterpoint: fuck off, the DH is great.
Fox ratings don’t indicate that much, though. They’re firmly right wing while most other stations are either center or center-left. Left wing viewers split between ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, etc. Right wing viewers watch Fox.
It also did not remove the parts of HB2 that stopped cities from setting their own minimum wage, which is really fucking stupid for many reasons.
Yeah, but Houston is still a shithole, so who knows.
Interestingly, revenue growth rates are below the level they were under the previous commissioner.
I’m not going to bother to search a bunch of random hotel rooms for some random internet commenter, but I’ve gotten $35 with pets at a Kings Inn. Of course, the TV was 30 years old and the shower leaked. The cheapest I’ve ever gotten for decent accommodations was around $60 for clean rooms.
It’s not fucking high school basketball where one team is beating on another 100-3, it’s pro basketball. Albert said it best, I can’t top his take on that subject.
The fact that he’s referring to a grown woman who is a professional as a “girl” should probably speak to itself.