
DC has some decent stuff now. Marvel has better stuff, in my opinion. Both of them had better stuff in the mid 80s. It's just the truth. Glad you're enjoying what you read, not so happy that you're being kind of a jerk, but hey, the internet can do that to people I guess.

Yeah, I mean, I get why it's frustrating for you.

I find with DC I'm often intrigued by the idea but unimpressed with the actual craft in the story. That's how I've felt about most of the Batverse stories in the last few years; but I will admit I just don't like Batgirl as a character (though I did like Oracle), so that doesn't help with her book.

It is for me. It's gotten better, but a lot of DC's books over the last few years I literally could not get through because the narrative was so opaque.

2 separate threads:

The Rebirth stuff has been ok. The New 52 was embarrassingly awful, and DCYou was similarly terrible. But you're making my point for me - Superman Rebirth essentially replaced the New 52 Superman with the 1990s Jurgens version, who is in fact better.

I get you. You are saying that the values you grew up with and find comforting are better than the values of my culture that I find comforting, and your evidence is that the United States has been more arrogant, destructive, and hypocritical than yours. So for you, the best Captain America would be one who reflects

As a person who teaches history for a living, I would that neither Trump nor imperialism nor feminism are uniquely American phenomena, though Trump does kind of embody a very specific stereotype of rich white American douchebaggery.

Not alone. People are being super whiny about this and I cannot figure out why. It's a good story.

DCYou was garbage. Bad art, bad writing, poor characterization. Rebirth has been a little better, but everything still feels a little annoying.

Really? Hickman is kind of hit or miss, isn't he? He did an epic, awesome FF run followed by a borderline unreadable Avengers run and a truly horrible Justice League series. Bendis books are all kind of the same, but they're consistently fun to read, at least.

Especially since Amadeus Cho was pretty cool as he was.

Please yes.

Can you please try to explain the problem with this Captain America storyline? Why is it tasteless? Superhero turns bad is a pretty standard trope. Captain America being evil is especially scary because he's such a trusted figure. They're going to turn him back; that's the point. Why is it anti-semitic? I really

Yeah. So, the thing is, I don't think most people want to read about how America is fundamentally evil, so therefore Captain America always was fundamentally evil. I also honestly find that interpretation of America to be kind of…I dunno…simplistic? Boring? Inaccurate? There's lots of evil and exploitation in the

The best comic is Sandman, and it's 75 issues long. A close second would be Preacher, which is around 60 issues. The Walking Dead and Invincible are in the hundreds. Hellboy made it around 50. Comics do fine with long form storytelling, even in serialized form.

It's not really brainwashing. Reality was altered. And I dunno, I think the avatar of American goodness suddenly becoming a ruthless, subversive Nazi is pretty gutsy and effective, on a metaphorical and emotional level.

Also: let people finish telling the story they're telling.

Avengers Arena was amazing, though Undercover was kind of so-so. It told a story that had a beginning, middle, and end, had relatable characters, actual stakes, and a sense that stuff was actually happening. I found it upsetting at times, but that was kind of the point.

Yeah, but DC is actually much less readable than Marvel. Marvel comics generally have *some* internal coherence; DC often just makes no sense at all.