
I see where he’s coming from. For a guy whose day to day in the white house involved being ok with the deaths of thousands of innocent people on a frequent basis an oasis of sport like the Olympics, which has only occasionally featured the deaths of innocent people, must seem like a welcome reprieve. 

Nobody cares that you’re scared of girls.

I still can’t understand how anybody can watch the way Trump behaves and think “yep, that’s good and normal.” If the guy who grooms my dogs behaved like this, spoke like this, tweeted like this... I’d find a new guy to groom my fucking dogs. And I’m not even talking about the abhorrent racism and xenophobia and

Nah, it’s much more effective to play for the team and protest the anthem. Look at how much it’s upsetting you - that’s protest in action.

Says the white supremacist trolling a liberal blog.

So you’re saying that the most effective protest would be to give up her global platform, the enormous stage that magnifies her protest so people can actually see it the world over, and generate converation.

> But not so uncomfortable that I didn’t order a 5th.

Is the weird part that they waited all the way until 11 am?

> “After my 4th screwdriver, the Deloitte guy slammed his laptop shut and started yelling at me”

I don’t buy it. No one from Deloitte has ever disapproved of drinking in massive quantities.

I had an early morning flight and was in first class. The flight attendant was going through taking drink orders while we were still on the ground and everyone was ordering orange juice or coffee. I said “cranberry and vodka” and the dude next to me said “we can do that? One for me too.” All of first class changed

Co-sign. I had an early morning layover after a long red-eye flight. Walked into the only restaurant open at 8:00 a.m. While looking over the menu, my eyes drifted to the beer list and saw that they had a Double IPA i wanted to try but the brewery didn’t distribute in my state. Waiter came over to take my order, saw

I took advantage of a really cheap fare to Ireland once on a mainline US airline. I fly that airline for business a lot, so I have status. It was Thanksgiving morning (a family member had passed a few months earlier , so everyone in the family wasn’t too keen on celebrating the holidays that year) and I had to take a

It’s a lawless zone where social norms can touch you. I’d go as far as to say that the elusive pre-9am, pre-vacation beer is one of the more Elite Beers in existence.

I once got upgraded to first class on a 630 AM flight. I was so excited, free booze! Being that it was my first time in first class and it was the start of my vacation, I had to take advantage, regardless of the time of day.

This probably isn’t even a question. But is there a worst decision than trying to sleep next to your kid?

Bush evaded those shoes because he is fairly athletic old guy who’s got reflexes like a cat.

I stare at the deadbeats guzzling cocktails at the bar at 11 a.m.

While I know that people *do* take advantage of women who are clearly unable to consent, the fring case where someone is acting goofy after having had a few drinks but not “falling down” is where things get tricky.

This case is an interesting one precisely because of the impact it may have on consent discourse. She herself asserts that no one could tell she was beyond the point of consent: