
What am I missing here? Didn’t he clearly say “radicalized Islamist”?


No one is claiming Kathy didnt have the right to do it. No one’s rights are being questioned. It was just in poor taste, especially coming from a public figure like her - and it backfired big time.

“More than 60 hours after the attacks, President Trump—or someone in his administration—has finally issued a brief statement.”

Man, you people reach so hard for any little thing nowadays. Pretty comical.

This constant contest to see who can come up with the wittiest and nastiest things to say on twitter each time Trump tweets is rather tiresome.

Men, with their preternatural ability to sense that something might not revolve around them, immediately freaked out.

Sue - to play devil’s advocate, one could say that a christian attacking people in the name of religion isn’t as rampant a problem as Muslim extremists doing it.

Yeah because talking down to them and shitting on them is much more likely to get them to move over to your side.

Is this confirmed or nah?

Laughed at this way harder than I want to admit.

This dark turn is Michael Scott “NO!” gif worthy.

That makes perfect sense now. Thank you.

I see many people pointing out issues, but I rarely see people pointing out solutions, unless they are incredibly vague.

I still dont understand the concept of the North America team in the “World Cup of Hockey”

Were the folks at Gawker really “journalists”? Are YOU a “journalist”?

Hes an angry drunk, apparently.

Henry Burris

Mildly disturbing.

Professional athlete problems... would be nice to have them.