
Slingbox only had component in and out to hook up hd sources. Lots of wires. HDMI cleans it up a lot. Hopefully there isnt any DRM built in to shows.

Here comes Rover Boo Boo

May be the safest way to enjoy a Jay Z concert.

In the end, he just wanted to help.

thought that number would be hire since anyone who buys one is getting ripped off.

Apple may sue them for trying to copy a feature on the iphone.

She should have spent that much on someone to watch the dog while she was away. NEVER trust airlines with your pets. Pets are just luggage to them and we all know how well luggage does.

Oh ok. I was looking at mAh. interested to see how it fairs with 4g now pulling more juice. If it doesn't last the day people will be fuming. Also if it gets even a little warm there will probably be a backlash.

Wow, so the iphone 5 battery has less capacity?

im pretty sure no one in that line cares about or has even heard what the features of the iphone 5 are.

We've apparently stumbled upon the aliens toilet.

When I read stuff by Gizmodo on an app such as Pulse or Flipboard, I dont see the comments. So in some instances he is right. Although Id rather he mention it so I know who to purposely never support.

Oh Jupiter, if you could only shield us from a far greater threat to human existence...the Kardashians.

Well its a good thing they didn't find underage workers. We don't need apple suing Samsung for copying that from them too.

Id love it if, after all these rumors, mock ups and knock offs of the iphone 5/new iphone, that when they actually came out with an iphone it wasnt even close to any of what was thought.

Check out the Burden Brothers. The lead singer is in this band. Its pretty good.

I hope there is no life on Mars because if there is broadcasting Will.I.Am is a perfectly good reason for the aliens to destroy earth.

This is a momentous occasion. Its the only time anyone got any type of a discount from Apple.

I removed my birthday from facebook so I dont have to respond to all the people writing on my wall. Best gift ever.

Ive owned one archos product and ill never buy from them again. Id love to rate my interaction with customer service if they ever got back to me. All they did was promise updates and features left and right to only just put out a newer version of hardware and forget about what came before it.