If anything could have done that it was 13. 15 looks promising. Risk can have its rewards. This isn’t weird at all considering advent children is a thing, the ff7 anime, etc. Learning to strategically do all simultaneously is new for them though.
If anything could have done that it was 13. 15 looks promising. Risk can have its rewards. This isn’t weird at all considering advent children is a thing, the ff7 anime, etc. Learning to strategically do all simultaneously is new for them though.
I don’t think roomscale or price is gonna decide the victor between Oculus and Valve, but the ecosystem. Oculus has the makings of a good ecosystem branching from movies and experiences to games in a controlled store front that guarantees compatibility at a specific hardware level. Valve has concentrated solely on…
Preach it brother! it sucks when you get a new PC game and have to choose which one of your children to cast out for the new one. :(
Awww....we have an idealist.
Tips and tricks is where it’s at!
I don’t think you understand the idea of a software license either -_-;
I don’t think you know how stealing works -_-; digital or otherwise.
No you could get it. You said yourself. It is either worth it or it isnt. Acme64 is correct in his analysis. Just because YOU can’t afford it doesn’t justify stealing. Can afford a car steal is what you are saying.
Tell that to indie developers who get their games pirated.
Exactly....dual core. It’s all I see. 2.6ghz? Turbo is just cake you get if its not running too hot. Nah I’ll pass. I7 or not still a dual core no matter how many threads you run. With advents like Far Cry 4 why would you want to “future proof” you laptop gpu but stay with a dual core cpu permanently for $1000? If you…
Preach it brother!
This case can fit a gtx titan, can be found for under $50, and fits a standard PSU.
Beware it’s not upgradable, and sports an i3 and 860m (a laptop gpu of last year). For $600, you can get a more competitive machine built into a sg13 chasis (which is the size of a shoe box almost), etc for living room friendliness and have it house a full gaming system.
Telltale games are guilty for the illusion of choice. No matter what you choose, the outcome is inevitable. “I’ll kill this guy. I won’t kill this guy.” Guy still dies either way.