Robby’s sociopathic hair did not even get wet in the shower.
Robby’s sociopathic hair did not even get wet in the shower.
i am 5'6"!!!!!
Are we looking at the same picture? Joanna has bangs, but her head does not end three inches above her eyebrows. The crown of her head is just about at the second line above the 5'4" line, which is to say she’s 5'6". If you think her hair is especially puffy, maybe she’s 5'5½”, but she’s by no means at the 5'4" line.
Well, when you need those losers to come out and vote for you, then you have to appeal to them. The same way you try and target and appeal to the other demographics you need to vote for you.
You could be right. I’m skeptical enough to feel they wouldn’t even have voted for Sanders anyway. People like that are all noise and bluster and no follow through.
They’re not actually influencing it. They’re just making noise and throwing tantrums. It’s annoying but they’ll go away eventually.
Well said.
Are the emails bad?
This is why the Bernie Bro rabble-rousers at the DNC this week make me bang my head on the wall. JUST STOP IT WITH YOUR SHIT AND UNIFY.
Yeah. The DNC shit seems so, so small compared to the possibility of a Trump presidency. Given his family history, I know Bernie gets the danger more than most.
And Drumpf has gone after Bill Clinton for his issues with women.
This definitely needs to be it. I don’t believe I’ve ever felt more spent from rage and fury.
Well this isn’t really surprising! Women be complainin’ and they should get over being demeaned at work! Also what was it Ivanka said about her father being a champion for women’s rights? I guess that only applies to women who are not weak enough to complain about sexual harassment? I don't think hiring Ailes is going…