...How is the corner of a brownie on there? How?!
...How is the corner of a brownie on there? How?!
Honestly, I find I can’t really taste low levels of spicyness; at least compared to some family members. So things won’t taste spicy for me, but will for them. For the record, I’m not the sort to drown stuff in tobasco or anything like that - I just sprinkle red pepper flakes to add some interesting flavor to a few…
Made this with ground turkey instead of ground beef - still tasty.
...Now, because of my mother wanting to try it and not wanting certain ingredients...
i’m making this without onions or pepper, lord help me.
...An ending viewer? Dangit, now I might need to actually buy this... again.
My concern here, is that the egg shell isn’t sanitized first. Enjoy your raw egg coke jelly.
Eh. Give the man a chance; It isn’t likely, but he might not frak it up. If nothing else, he isn’t likely to vote for privatizing education. And between two republican senators, I’ll take it.
I do it all the time when making pasta; some milk, a tablespoon or so of butter mixed into a cheap ($0.80) pasta sauce jar with a bundle of spices makes life much better.
I have no complaints with this list... but I’d move Howl’s moving castle up a bit in age.
That would probably fall under reducing stress, honestly. Which is reflected in the second link, the only one I’d think of trusting the three.
Honestly, most important thing for me? Suppress the sneeze/couch reflex. If you do this, your throat doesn’t become irritated, (Barring mucus wearing it down...) Which in turn makes the symptoms less severe. A sample size of one (Me) claims it also lets me get better faster.... but eh.
See, I once got a pamphlet... But I also got a few dollars in tip. The right way to do things.
You said “Hotel Liquid” Instead of “Hot Liquid.”
There was a similar one, but for touhou, a while back.
There’s actually a symbol used in japan that looks very similar to the sawstika, called the Manji; It’s a swastika swirling the other way and is a bhuddist symbol. Maybe it was that?
....So much death, and destruction....
But instanced races of river rafts while dodging enemies, Complicated tree cutting puzzles...
My question is, if you see a bridge ahead and you don’t think you can fit... what can you do? Back up half a mile?
Yep, only a single lane.