Alan Dean Foster

Friend of mine, Mike Triebold (see: "Triebold Palentology" or "The Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Institute") once found a disarticulated triceratops skeleton. Named the find "Rex biscuit" because it was completely marred with T-rex tooth marks...scrapes and punctures. Determined the marks were inflicted by a Rex

The trophy room would be better if the lawyer was stuffed. I'd leave him his cigar.

At the beginning of Army Basic Training (this is 1971), the drill sargeants made everyone stand in a line with their simple luggage at their side while they collected for confiscation, in a big pile, all the Playboys, Escapades, and other "porn". Into the pile went three copies of Desmond Morris's THE NAKED APE.

Not only are fighters unnecessary, organic intelligences are unnecessary. Considering the speeds and distances at which warfare between ships would occur, only machines would possess the reaction time and computational capabilities to wage combat in space.

Mackley's got good stuff; this is his adrenaline rush of choice. I didn't get to Ambrym this April, but Mt. Yasur on Tanna Island was completely different: Strombolian explosions instead of a lake. See video (thranx) on youtube.

Nothing about gem quality or sizes, both of which would be critical to disrupting the gem market for diamonds. Shock of impact-creation might have resulted in small stones, or diamonds that are badly flawed. Great for industrial uses, maybe not so much of a threat to De Beers (or the Aussies, or the Canadians).

And cane rat differs from standard South American cui very little.

"This is partly a result of a traditional belief among publishers and readers that women cannot write about science and space. Few women are published in the science fiction genre — and when they are, it is often as fantasy authors."

Ray, Robert, Arthur, Ike, Ed, Eric, Will, and Doc...I hope you see this...somehow....

Renfield, from the Lugosi Dracula.

Never mind the moa...I want to see a Haast's eagle.

Guinea pig, popular throughout the Andes, would be a close analogy. Lots of little bones and very greasy, but it works well enough as an ingredient in a stew. First meal my mother-in-law ever made for me included squirrel gravy.

Shoot...I don't see anybody leaving a tip. Mr. Lederman needs to put out a cup.

What's really funny is that Pete's cargo is labeled as bath salts. How the times dey do change.

What's this...referencing films made before 1960? Why, that's virtual heresy. One might as well mention the 1940 THIEF OF BAGDAD, arguably the greatest fantasy film ever made, in which the evil vizir Jaffar, who can bend any woman to his will, clutches at his unattainable princess bemoaning, "For I am cursed,

Should be "can internal lie".

The U.K. is more likely than American Samoa?

Ray was actually fourteen, but managed to fool people into thinking he aged.

Cut out desired design in resistant template. Apply to surface. Add slight amount of acid to template, then remove and dry. Remove template. Etching complete. Expect to see robot tattoo parlor in future episode.

I saw the film in April, at its Australian premiere, and I can tell you that if nothing else you will not believe what the filmmakers put up on screen with the budget they had.