Alan Dean Foster

For the reverse, note Eric Frank Russell's MEN, MARTIANS, AND MACHINES. A mixed crew of humans and Martians gets along just fine, except the Martians tend to be a bit snotty toward the humans. And the ship's doctor/surgeon is black...a remarkable exception for a character in stories that date from the '40's.

The one in Pixar's UP is a combination of Angel Falls plus an illustration from the first printing of Conan Doyle's THE LOST WORLD.

Anyone else think Taylor Kitsch is fighting to sound like Kirk Douglas? "I am Spartacus!", wait..."John Carter!"

There's a pod of dolphins that hangs around the main entrance to the lagoon at Christmas Island (Kiribati). The locals use motorized outriggers for diving. On the way back you get in and hang onto the outrigger support pole with your face and body in the water. The dolphins come right up under you as you motor

I hope to heck small kids can deal with the accents.

Like Hobbes, tigers just stare.

And snow leopards sneeze a lot (hey, it's cold!)

Whereas lions prefer to do this.

But cheetahs, yes, purr like crazy, and the kittens squeak.

Of course "Warlord of Mars" or "Princess of Mars" would be better titles. However, the folk of filmland tend a mite toward superstition, and there was this recent Disney film called "Mars Needs Moms" that...well, you see how things work.

Nothing new in this.

A question mark with an arrow going through it from left to right, meaning: ask the next question.

Village of the Chosen - Best of Omni #5, Feb. 1983

I'll never forget the rejection letter I got for a story I submitted to a major SF magazine, wherein the (well-known) editor insisted loudly that the basis of the story was "scientifically impossible".

Hmm...make it strong enough to handle lift-off. Compress, expand in space, fill gaps with something like aerogel...instant space habitat that costs next to nothing to launch. Instead of making the launch vehicle bigger, make the payload lighter. Looking forward to it.

This is an exceptionally useful and informative series and deserves book publication, with more illustrations, perhaps by a university press.

I believe it was the writer/critic Damon Knight who said that if you can lift the story and set it down essentially unchanged in Philadelphia, it isn't science-fiction.

Change the gene sequence. If they're this smart at 3 years of age, imagine if we could get one to live a normal human lifespan. Then we'd have some real company (except they don't seem to like company). I've watched cuttlefish communicating with color changes in New Guinea and played hide-and-seek with an octopus

Years ago I pitched a couple of projects at Universal. The vp who listened liked one but told the producer I was with that there was no way Universal could take either of them on. Why? Because Universal, he said, only does two big-budget SF/fantasy films a year, and they either have to have a major star attached or

And it's "grisly", not "grizzly".