Its still an episode of the show. And if you can watch Discovery, you can watch the Short Treks.
Its still an episode of the show. And if you can watch Discovery, you can watch the Short Treks.
It a big deal because he does it without having a handy Red Angel suit to open up a wormhole with. Ha Big Sister! I did this without even needing a time crystal! He’s probably been working on that bit of onupmanship for the last decade before he gets a chance to prove it and is in the proper emotional state for a nyah…
So you’ve never liked Star Trek, eh?
The steps he would have to take to avoid his fate would betray the man he believes himself to be. Are you Christopher Pike? Am I? Nope. As we’ve seen so far this year, from the first episodes, this is a character who runs towards situations where sacrifice is likely, not away, and we’ve watched him do it again and…
This comment demonstrates what happens when you rely on weed to get you through life.
Some people really don’t understand the point of this scene. Its a test of character. This is who Pike is, a man willing to sacrifice his life to save others. People who want Pike to squirm out of his fate want him to squirm out of who he is.
I guess the fact that time crystals actually exist as a newly discovered state of matter will put you in your grave then.
Time crystals are an actual scientic state of matter. But feel free to continue to rage about Dark Energy or The Big Bang.
Time Crystal is the name for a state of matter discovered in 2012. It is in fact an actual scientific term.
Sounds to me like your argument is full of shit.
You are clearly way ahead of me. The only way you can support your argument is by pretending vast swaths of Star Trek never happened. That takes work.
This appears to be what the scifi version of Time Crystals do, refering to what they actually are in real life. Oh, see the Mudd ep last year for a related use in Trek.
1. Holographic tech, seen in Enterprise.
Yes, really.
They are related in the same way that many other Star Trek tech and science is related to real world tech and science ,a scifi version of what they have repurposed to serve a scifi purpose, just like dilithium, teleportation, warp drive travel etc. I didn’t say they were a”actual science”.
that’s the kind of society Utopia gets you.
The TNG-ENT shows tended to take themselves ridiculously seriously.
So you’ve reached the depression stage of the five stages of Star Trek fandom. On the plus side, the next one is acceptance.
Unfortunately it doesn’t really flesh him out much. Its just an ep that gives him something to do. We don’t learn much more about him than his grandfather’s name.
Have you never seen ‘The Visitor’?