Don't cars eventually rust out over time if driven how normal people would drive them? Are cars expected to last forever, now? I realize 10-15 years old isn't that old, but where do you draw the line?
if you bought an auto Corvette you can also turn in your man card as well.
Bolt came out Elon, a bolt!!!!
The '69-70 GT500 is one of my favorite cars ever. Probably because it strikes the perfect balance between looking like the toughest, most badass thing ever, and complete confidence. It's got just enough bulging muscle, just enough scoop, just enough blackout, just enough spoiler to look like a brutish athlete without…
I still am embarrassed this was the first car I had sex inside of. It was an automatic.
In your Jalopnik staff's daily scouring of Craigslist posts for potential crapcan racers we can crash and be…
But, will it finally be able to drive on trains?
Maxda 929 'swing vents'. Posted ironically by our own Mr. DeMuro.
BMW's come with turn signals... stock.
The Camry and Corolla are popular.
Mitsubishi still sells cars in the US.
They are not cars, they are tickets to class action lawsuit settlements...