Alaia Williams

He wants a baby - whatever! The problem is that she never said she DIDNT want one until AFTER this whole thing blew up (at this point I dont even remember if she miscarried or wasn't really pregnant. And I don't even care). It should have come up BEFORE they got married. She KNEW Owen wanted a

I'm surprised it took this long to stop reviewing this mess.

The deep fryer family - all three were terrible actors.

I was so bummed when Looking got canceled

To me, their biggest flaw. The shows start strong (Dexter, Weeds, Californication are among my faves), but after 3 or 4 seasons, end up being garbage.

Yeah, to me its a big ensemble of men and women all being great. Can't wait for it to return.

This post just makes me realize how much I've loved HBO's programming. Mainly for the last 10 years, but I have dipped back and watched shows like OZ. If I had cable back then, I'm sure I would have loved it just as much when it first aired.

Yeah, people declaring he's the best and people declaring he's lazy both confused me. I haven't seen enough to agree with either of those positions

I remember close to nothing about the pilot. Definitely forgot about this.

I don't feel like Lena Dunam is afraid of offending people.

Yep. I clapped when I saw him

They seemed high on something to me.

Yeah, when Ray walked in, I expected him to find out that Hermie wasn't living the life he thought. I was not expecting Hermie to be dead.

Like Marnie (in some ways), I feel like his character has regressed.

Well, I don't think its dumb. So, *shrug* whatever. Pretty sure these kinds of things are subjective.
I didn't know Perry was supposed to be 10 years younger and regardless, I think Nicole Kidman is very attractive, but I don't think she's walk into walls beautiful, as I said. Perhaps that's just me.

OK. I've seen Tell Me You Love Me more than once and yes, its a prosthetic. Perhaps that's why I was lost. I thought they were referencing his dick in something that happened on BLL and I missed it.

Gotcha. I did not tie that to the scene with Abigail and Ed at all, but did catch Ed being creepy right away.

I think it said Gordon on the door

I was talking to a friend yesterday about how perfect I think Reese is in this role. My friend has read the book and I haven't. I asked for no spoilers, but I said that I love that you can't pin down Madeline because she definitely has her superficial side and she's (now) a rich white woman, yet she truly seems to be

ok, that's the second time Ive seen someone here mention "I saw erections." was that someone one of those peanut gallery characters said? I feel like I missed that.