Alaia Williams

Each week I say: I want them to jump off a cliff together.

The Arizona/Minnick storyline is so weak.

Not in order, but I can't stand: Bailey, Jo, Amelia, Maggie, Minnick, interns.

Thanks. I probably zoned out. Don't remember that at all.

I still don't know where I missed Laurel falling so hard for Wes. Aside from being pregnant by who know who, she's taking this A LOT harder than everyone else, save for Annalise. When did she become an expert on who Wes was? And I hate that the way this season ended means there's more focus on her. Will say,

Now I have to google them because all I can do is see her as a lesbian making out with Arizona. I can't picture her with Foley. I've never seen the sisters before (or thought I hadn't) I just knew the guys were in laws and thought about how distracted I'd be at that family Thanksgiving.

I didn't realize that's who she was. Is she married to Foley or Wilson?

Did I miss it or did someone tell him it had to be anonymous. I thought it was weird…like they aren't going to find out the dad was in the hospital and also get mad that the doctors lied to them?

I care about her so little I didn't even mind that this statement wasn't completed

I still think she talked too much

Why is April scared of being in charge?
I still hate Jo.
That Minnick and Arizona make out sure didn't take long did it?
Where are Meredith's children?!?

I'm re-watching the series now (gotta love sick days). In an earlier episode, William tells Randall and the girls that his father taught him to play piano…so either there's some missing step-dad we'll see in a not-yet-aired William flashback, or the writers hadn't planned out this character's arc from the start.

I'd love Sterling to go lead so Jones can go supporting (since he was around to much to submit for guest)

I only recognize her from The Leftovers. I'll have to see what else she's in.

Yeah…I typically find myself only caring about Jack and Randall (and William, by extension)

They probably didn't want to post spoilers, since so many people do watch it.

Didn't cry last week, made up for it this week. And reading those lines back in your review made me cry again. I knew William would die eventually but, like you, I thought they'd find a way to keep him around longer. I'd complain about it but then be happy to see him again.

Kidman's husband turning on her while telling her to keep their sons away from a potentially abusive boy was a nice little twist.

I was wondering how she could live there on part-time income.

Did not read the novel and hadn't heard of it until I saw a trailer for this show. I've been on a non-fiction kick for the better part of a decade, so I'm totally out of the loop when it comes to the world of fiction.