Alaia Williams

Yeah, she was next to him. I know him from Ugly Betty.

When he flung that baby…

I think I saw that Obama is coconut caramel and Michelle is carrot cream

Oh and shoutout to Baldwin and Morgan's hug session during the credits! Made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Black History Heart Shaped Box won me over.

I remembered and found it odd

I thought that was such a bizarre exchange. Why shouldn't adults take care of themselves??

She's been unlikeable to me for YEARS

I'm with you on this. I can't stand Amelia

With you all the way

I seriously thought April's pushing was going to reveal that Katherine was behind the Minnick thing. I did not expect this.

Maggie, Jo and Amelia have been on my annoying list since they made their debut

I totally thought she had been beat up

Maggie is always so immature and annoying. And now she's that way with her mom.

Oh. I didn't know there was another Ferrier. Good! I can go back to hating her. Her character sucks too. Along with the rest of the batch that came in with her.


yeah. Like why was that the only place she could go?

I trust that they'd leave Arizona as a lesbian, but I didn't put it past them that DeLuca would make a move.

Yeah, it seemed to me like he knew what was going on.

God, I hope not. But if she's pregnant, there will be!