Alaia Williams

My DVR didn't record this for some reason, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to watch. But this is what I kind of feared after watching the pilot. It was entertaining and packed full of good stuff - which made me wonder what was next, would we see more of their past, and if they could keep up the momentum.

I only gave it my full attention when Alex was in a scene

I didn't see the Catherine twist as a good/interesting thing. I rolled my eyes. We'll see how it plays out.

I'm waiting to care about Nina again.

Oh yeah. I can totally buy how she started - I think she knew Axe before he knew Lara? But yeah, now it seems like there are waaaaay too many ethical and personal complications. But I'll suspend my disbelief since she's my favorite.

Agreed on all fronts

13 hours. Incredible.

All four? Or just Hannah and Marnie?

Oh man, I'm not ready for Mommy Marnie.

I don't know how often they are together, but Shosh was at the wedding. I can't think of a time between Beach House and the wedding though…

candy corn is the best

I gave up on Vinyl

That's where I thought they were heading.

I only care about Wendy.

Yes, I felt like in season one, Hannah and Jessa seemed like the ones who were the most infuriating. Then Marnie got her turn at bat…

When they got mugged, the first thing I thought of was Mad Men.

I always laugh when I realize how many of us hate watched this show for YEARS

That's also quite possible (about getting fired). Still sad. I could see him getting fired and that making things worse. But I can also see how your dad killing himself could also be hard on someone who was already vulnerable - whether you you quit or got fired from your company.

It could happen to a lot of people. It does.

Haha. I had to Google who you meant. I love The Americans but didn't know that guy's name until now.