Alaia Williams

That's what I was thinking as I read the review and some of these comments.

Donnie didn't surprise me at all. I figured throwing up in the trash can would lead to something bigger.

Kinda. I don't really recall but my mom liked KMart over Target when I was a kid. Plus, KMart had layaway…Marshalls did too I think.

I watched Living Single and NY Undercover. To this day I can't really get into Martin OR Seinfeld


Really? The reviews seem very favorable to me. And I think it's totally worth watching

In the vote between Seinfeld and Martin, I choose a book. Speaking as someone who was 11 in 1995 and not a juror, of course.

I feel as though if I'm not careful, I'll be Loreen in 25-30 years. Man!


Yeah, Jake started out pretty decent. I can't blame them for wanting to keep Scott Foley around, but they've really stretched it to the limit.

Thoughts as I watched:
Sally - Over it.
Hollis - Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Jake - when he looked into that camera…least attractive Scott Foley has ever been.
Mellie - Idiot. Why tell Hollis anything ever. God help the fake USA if any of these people get elected.
Marcus - get out while you can.

I could see it. Annalise asked where Frank was. Said "he" needed to go. Maybe "he" was Mahoney. Anythings possible with this show

Mom and sis watching Nate was hilarious.

I think Meredith saw the bomb guy in her dreams after getting rescued from the water right?

Agreed on the Arizona and April part.

Amelia needs to go away.
Arizona was totally out of line. Even though April annoys me, that was wrong.
If this were real life, the doc that likes Meredith would be a super creeper with red flags going up everywhere.
I've wanted Bailey gone for seasons, but I like Ben. Maybe they'll get divorced but he can stick around?

I don't even know what Seeso is. If it was on Hulu or Netflix, I could see myself giving it a shot for an episode or two.

I noticed it and just made a comment. Apparently he's the young recruit that worked with the Jennings last season

Yeah, I thought he was the guy working with them. I just know he looked familiar. And I kept seeing him. I need to watch season 3 again over the weekend.

I didn't have time, so I'm hoping to binge watch this weekend.