Alaia Williams

I can't give this one an A. A B? Because it was a really great season until last week. I mean, really consistently great.

I live here, but I still had to google it.

Yeah, you can think it - but its pretty rude to say that to someone's face. Especially to someone who cares as much about her family as Cherry does.

I did not mind Captain Robertson telling Opal off at all.

Hodgeman's character freaks me out and makes me angry at the same time.

I think Sarah just wants to commiserate. And, as they pointed out at the wedding, Sarah has no friends. And now that she's single, her crazy family aside, she's got no one. Please don't mistake that at sympathy for Sarah though. I can't stand her. And how does she survive? Whose money is she living off of.

I loved the dinner scene at the Chickering's. I was glad they didn't hate Bertie's new love interest.

I feel like if he was, Noah would have whispered something to his lawyer instead of just sitting there glaring.

Yeah, I figured she would jump up with excitement

There are moments when I don't like her as much as I originally did

Maybe in the other set of reviews that get released weekly, there will be grades

Maura annoys me half the time. I feel like we get just enough of her.

Did she really hit on the ex or was she just trying to make a connection/get involved/make a friend? If she was hitting on her, it totally went over my head.

for me, the flashbacks don't get good/compelling until deeper into the season.

They have been friends since childhood. Syd sleeps with Josh last season (who knows if she ACTUALLY wanted HIM or if he was just a stand in for Ali). Syd tells Ali toward the end of the season and Ali gets upset.

YES! The last few weeks let me down, but I knew we'd be back eventually.

That's exactly how I feel

I am only 18 minutes into this episode but good GAWD Dr. Mays is awesome. That scene where he finds Barrows and Lucy was…uncomfortable.

I'm so impressed with Meloria Harden in this role. And I haven't seen Portlandia yet, but I love Carrie on this show.

Haha, I LOVE SVU, but a rerun of it should NOT be performing better than The Leftovers