Alaia Williams

that's the scene I was on when I commented. Ugh!

Watching it again and GAWD, I wish someone punched Schmidt in the face sooner!

I was definitely expecting seminar attendees

I don't think that movie had a UFO though.

They didn't believe Hanzee had a double digit body count

That was a great story.

I think that was part of it. It felt like a late 90s X-Files shot. Something more subtle might have not irked me as much. I did giggle at all the alien references BEFORE we saw the UFO though.

Are you in the Facebook group?

The consolation is that we know its coming back.

I will say, since they did bring the UFO, I really wish Hank could have seen it.

I love them both. Fargo may claim the top spot in my heart, depending on next week's finale. I'll reserve final judgement until then.

Silver lining

I have see The Big Lebowski (don't remember it though…), No Country for Old Men, and True Grit.

Haven't seen it. I'm starting to feel like their only movie I've seen is No Country for Old Men…off to Wikipedia I go!


I'm right there with you and your pops

I would have loved more Floyd

I was pissed when it ended because I didn't want it to end that way!

I was trying to get on the east coast feed this week so there wouldnt be a million comments by the time I watched here in LA. So, I streamed online and missed the first few seconds. The narration threw me off…and, unlike most of the people who've commented so far, the UFO did not work for me.

He's the Juggernaut, bitch!