Alaia Williams

I'd "interview" him.

Yes and no. Because it was all of them and no flashes forward or backward, it felt like real time - but its still the past. In the "present," Noah is awaiting trial. So, in this episode, we're still months in the past.

I disagree. Almost every other show tells its story in the way you're describing. It's nice to see something different. Playing with time and perspectives.

I'm sure.

I love when Ruth did it as Alice on Luther…

If there isn't a baby, I'll be sorely disappointed.

That was pretty great.

It's been ages since I've watched ER and that's the only other thing I've seen her on. I often wonder what Parenthood would have been like with her instead of Lauren Graham.

He was definitely into what they were doing

I also thought burning the house was overkill. He could have walked off with that piece of wood he wanted. That would have been more striking ( to me anyway)

NAKED in the hot tub with his daughter

I thought she smoked eventually when she stopped talking. But I could be wrong.


I was slightly attracted to him. It made me uncomfortable.

ah yes…
well, no idea how long John has been out of jail. But Evie heard the joke two years ago and yeah, maybe it came up because she was back in touch with Meg. We'll see…hopefully!!

I constantly forget about the others. At dinner, I was thinking "wait, how many are there?!?"

She didn't do that on ER did she? Because I can't figure out if its her or the character

I enjoyed that show :-/

I don't remember that at all

If this turns it to be anywhere close to true…long slow clap for you.