Alaia Williams

Yes. I loved season one but season two is so much better

I know. I wait and I wait until I finally lose hope and go to bed

At this point, Cole probably has no reason to think that the baby might be his. He might not even know Alison is pregnant. It doesn't seem like she stayed in Montauk alone, so who knows if they've even seen each other since that day.

I like that in this episode we've been events we've seen in the past, particularly from last season. I still really do think the baby is Cole's, but they could just be trying to throw us.

Agreed all around.

I feel like they are setting this up for Susan to walk in on David and Liz. Unfortunately.

Marcus is the new Harrison - he hasn't done much yet. We'll see if he gets more character development. His best days for that might have been pre-OPA.

I think we watch all the same shows.

I thought this week was better than last week…

Crazy isn't how? How there are so many? I scanned through mine and didn't see it among the list anymore. Maybe my eyes glazed over.

Did you see the one where they made fun of epic dramas like Dynasty and Dallas? It was on IFC and it was hilarious

I was wondering the same thing. I read it over a week ago and was wondering how its still a top article

Yep, but for now, we know she doesn't - at least not until he's arrested. We've seen that far into the future.

I really think you should watch the first season.

I think The Leftovers still wins for me but Fargo is pulling on its heels.

I can't wait until The Americans comes back.

I thought she was headed out of town too!

I thought she was headed out of town too!

I thought she was headed out of town too!

I thought she was headed out of town too!