Alaia Williams

I totally thought they'd end up in a car wreck.

I finished watching the series weeks ago, but came back here to find the reviews. Darn it.

I was hoping there'd be a chance Brandi Carlile would make the list…but then I realized her new album isn't my favorite she'd done so, I can't stay upset for too long.

I totally thought his mom was going to try to have sex with him.

I can't get into this season.

Did not catch that

Quite possible!

Where is Velcoro smoking inside in L.A.? This does take place in present day right? I'm assuming so, since his kid had LeBrons

I probably wouldn't have heard of her if I hadn't seen her on the home page.

Staying fresh. Agreed

Agreed. I could easily watch this as a 60's cop case-of-the-week show. And maybe a Manson case during "sweeps" or something (if we were on the normal fall through spring schedule). But the Manson line isn't drawing me in.

That show has been off the air for over a year now.

I was worried Duchovny would suck (Adore him as Mulder. And early Hank Moody, but other choices have been shaky), but agreed - best thing about the show. I did feel like they were throwing a lot at us in terms plot.

Got it. Well, totally threw me off track and thought it was done for the season. I guess that's what summer is for - catching up.

I was at the live table read…the cast included Colin Hanks as Don and Fred Savage as Pete (that was pretty delightful). When Jon Hamm walked through the doors, I was kind of hoping he'd be part of the read.

I had no plans to watch, but then I heard Mariska Hargitay was in it (love her) so I gave it a shot. A lot of wasted star power if you ask me - that said, I only knew the older ones like Hargitay, Pompeo, Crawford and Alba. Oh and the girl from True Grit. I was guessing about the rest.

Somehow, I thought this season ended months ago…when Jake revealed his feelings? Clearly I am way off - and my DVR stopped recording this for some reason.

Wow, I thought Brooklyn Nine-Nine had its finale a while back. Guess it really fell off the map for me in its second season.

Yes, but he seemed to have dropped a lot along the way. Like the time he called Marie and she spoke in French to throw Megan off.

It's supposed to be bad…he's (re)learning