
Also, Fux News should be shut down anyway. But that’s beside the point...

I’m aware of that. Just speculating on the Romine’s “logic”. Of course, putting yourself in a mental state that lets you understand their “logic” is probably dangerous, so I didn’t want to go too deep. I could easily be wrong. Maybe they thought he was implying they were ISIS executionees (<-not a typo) and are

Your point was that people who enjoy bad games as guilty pleasures would miss out on DHs games because their games are getting bad press, correct? People like that will not be deterred by a bad review. They will be encouraged. The people who are turned off of a game like the ones DH “produces” by a bad review were

No, no. You’re quite right. You don’t have to justify anything to me at all. And I’m not really sour. Just curious how what you’re saying is relevant to the case beyond “I don’t like Jim Sterling”. I was more curious what you found so “wrong” about his videos. If you don’t like them, you don’t like them. There’s

I think the problem was changing the last letter of their name to “o”. They’re suing him for comparing them to mafioso. Which considering their general business ethics... I can see where he’s coming from.

No... actually they weren’t. Maybe look more into the story. Jim WANTS them to make a good game and has repeatedly discouraged his fans from harassing them. The company just really is as bad/insane/stupid as the article makes them seem.

sorry. for some reason my comment appeared on multiple threads.... Ignore.

If you want your mind blown by their stupidity even further, actually watch their skype interview w Jim. It was one of those “Everyone in this room is dumber for having listened to you” moments.

He HAS told them to knock it off. Repeatedly. In several of his videos. So yeah... good luck getting THAT charge to stick...

Now playing

Yep, already posted the video a couple places in this comment section, but for anyone interested:

Your logic is flawed. People who enjoy games as guilty pleasures generally know the games are bad, so knowing DH’s games are bad isn’t a deterrent. See: every argument you’ve ever had with someone who loves Michael Bay’s Transformers movies ironically.

This might just be the funniest thread I’ve read in this entire comment section. Thank you.

True. But problem is, aside from one or two exceptions, they haven’t “created” anything. They made space invaders with a cowboy. Twice. They made a cookie clicker about slapping prostitutes. They made Katamari with none of the fun.

Now playing

So what say you of the cases where Jim actually supported DH’s work? If he were singling them out just to bully them, why bother with giving them compliments when they actually tried? In fact, he ends up playing along WITH the game devs and trying to give feedback to improve their product in a very civil manner.

Well, ignoring that you refuse to take enough interest in a case to put any work into actually looking into it, but apparently WERE interested enough to try to have someone else do the work for you, I’ll play the part of your assistant, as I HAVE watched/listened to/read all the relevant information (that has been

You, kinda hit the nail on the head and yet entirely seem to miss the point, which is kind of impressive. Seriously, I don’t mean that to be insulting. It’s just you pointed out the important bit as an afterthought.

You keep saying that, but I don’t see you justifying why you consider his videos lame...

Dude, just take 20 minutes and look up of the relevant videos. The proof is right there. The first of which actually appears in this article. The “blood splatter” effect in the header image was one that was directly stolen from google, poorly shopped (you can see the white from the original background) and used as a

Dude... not my place to tell you what to do, but... just don’t. Look at his name. He’s either a troll or enough of a wingnut to be a proud member of an organization most pro-gun activists want nothing to do with. Either way, this isn’t a fight you can win. Just smile, nod and move on with your day in the gleeful