
thats feel very EA/Capcom

welp, looks like the blog post recently updated the title to confirm the PS3/Vita release

PS TV is still PS VITA TV (in japan anyway)

" But you ALSO do it for MONEY."

maybe its from the whole "LP" thing going on with Youtube lately so he decided "I should try it out"

yeah, I don't think that sound true.

If my memory serves me right. [PewDiePie] did found the video funny as well. (I saw his comment there a while ago and yes, i check the username and verified that is real. but that was before the Youtube added a Verified button)

"but every PewDiePie fan I've ever met has been an annoying shithead."

"Infamous YouTuber PewDiePie netted $4 million last year"

DICE is helping the game instead of being the main developer.

I agreed with you on this one.

yeah, I don't want to be a bad guy anyway.

aka Free Advertisement.

welp. this is how every Bank heists works in real life anyway.

I did liked the Call of Duty reference anyway

welp, with Xbone and PS4. I think the port will be fine

"Now I have to worry about Jon Tron and Pewdiepie selling shitty games to my kid?"

Everyone is tryna be pewdiepie but him acting like that isn't really why hes famous, its cause *he moved to different countries a few times that he has such a huge fanbase.*

I knew its going to happen.

well. its not worst than PewDiePie