
As a woman who loves mascara, I can say that this mascara can be better than some sex. Some sex is so-so, and this mascara is much better than that, but is just ok when being compared to amazing sex. So, I don’t think we can say that this mascara’s name is a total lie. It just depends on the sex you are having.

Eh, I used this mascara and it was very average. So it’s better than one position, two minute sex but not better than hot beginning of the relationship, can’t get your hands off each other sex.

I don’t really like this mascara. I have a Chandler Bing, “Yeah, okay” moment every time people rave about it.

Still has Mark Wahlberg in that movie...

Tights & leggings are two different things.

I recently overhead a conversation of some male coworkers (all 60+) that went like this:

Wink wink nudge nudge jokes about someone horrible are not the same thing as calling them out.

No no no no NO. Get this right because it’s important, you facile media bro fuckwits. JOKING about something is not a callout, it’s NORMALIZATION. It reduces fucking CHILD RAPE to “oh that cad.” It tells the creeps in the audience, and they are always there, “See, everybody does it. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s

Good list and I did work at one restaurant for $4.30 per hour. No tips were allowed, so I totally get the hardships.

I miss Behind Closed Ovens.

“I have a tremendous respect for women.” The battle cry of men who don’t.

From your comment to god’s ear.

I want to be clear that the guys who did this stuff was wrong, but men are left in a Catch-22. I’m sure I will be eviscerated, but here goes the reasoning.

As a guy that has had quite a bit of experience “pursuing women”, I can help you out and sum up the answer to any questions one might have.

Plenty of guys know how to be respectful to women. You’re not all out there like “oh my god this is so confusing, do I grab her tit or treat her like a fellow human and talk about mutual interests?!?!”


This is going to sound crazy, but it is possible to indicate interest in a woman without touching her or reducing her to her body parts. It’s called using your words to say things like “Hello” or “How are you”.

Well start with not touching a woman when she’s doing her job.

Nope. If these stories/examples seem like they’re “in a grey area” to you, you’re either a creep, or at best, just part of the problem.

When you want a reservation, do you grab a waiter’s dick? When you want a job, do you caress your prospective boss’s cheek? When you want a date, say to a woman, “Would you like to go out some time? I’d love to get to know you better.” and if she says no walk the fuck away and deal with your feelings yourself. DON’T