
I’m not sure it’s meant to be taken literally this bit. Like the way Jonathan Swift didn’t actually intend for people to consume children, I don’t believe Tina here wants us to actually go out and just eat cake while 45 has a tea party with the KKK.

“What’s most obnoxious about this clip is how Fey is encouraging people to actively ignore neo-Nazis, by characterizing the protests as “violent” and urging those who might otherwise be encouraged to physically show up to stay at home.”

Yelling slogans at people is a bad way to change their minds. But showing up at neo-Nazi rallies is not about changing the minds of neo-Nazis, it’s about showing them that this is not their country, and that people are willing to stand up to them. I don’t think anyone who’s encountered a member of the far right (on

So am I a horrible person if I laughed at “Who drove the car into the crowd? Hillary’s emails?” Because I did laugh. Because that was funny.

Jesus Christ this site is sour and humorless.

Is that your crusade? Oh, you just wanted to be a contrary douche, ok.

*with hand claps in between*

Assuming the hairdresser is addressing this specific girl’s case, apparently the parents told her to “get over it.” Which is really effective in alleviating depression. /s So beyond neglect, I’d say.

I’d say it adds a layer of nuance, but I was already interpreting her tone as generally gracious. I think one of the most compelling factors in Leah’s campaign against Scientology is the way she always stays focused on the humanity, showing constant compassion in a situation that could so easily turn ugly and bitter.

Oprah sits around in her kitchen mashing potatoes and cauliflower? I think not. Or I hope not. Hire yourself a chef! Actually, I recently met someone who works at her Maui estate and they’re terrified of her. I’m pretty sure she has a huge staff at her homes.....

“That’s contracts for ya,” mumbled the hitman, as he nudged the producer’s lifeless body with the toe of his boot.

Nope, it was a neg. Dude negged a fifteen-year-old to get in her pants. Bigger shitstain than we gave him credit for being.

She’s too big for him?

According to CNN, the detective acknowledged that he saw “bullying” and that the behavior of the kids involved “could even rise to the level of criminal assault.”

I contemplated suicide at around this poor kid’s age due to school bullying, so I can’t say I’m all that shocked that he was driven to it. For my part, I simply got “sick” a lot and stayed home from school whenever I felt I could get away with it.

What?! How?! She clearly is moving out of his way.

I’ve been watching people try to blame her because she “tried to trip him”. We’re a garbage species

And before anyone starts to get huffy about sidewalk etiquette or how she was in his way

Wow call me too invested in it or whatever but I actually fucking HATE Amber’s post. If you’re not going to commit to putting the prongs in your hair you don’t deserve to share a diptych with Ariel you HACK.

how does the school find an unconscious 8 year old in the bathroom and just check his vitals and send him home. finding a student unconscious on campus should’ve immediately yielded an ambulance and a mandatory trip to the hospital. that’s absolutely unconscionable. these are the people responsible for the health and