
Yea, I think that’s an honest and valid fear for them to have. I personally feel like the hype will (well it has already to a degree) over power the massive potential of this game and kill it well before it’s time.

Yea, they’ve developed a(n) interesting system around it. He gives a better explanation of the game during their E3 showcase. You can probably find it on Youtube, it’s worth watching for sure.

I have this horrible gut wrenching feeling that No Man sky’s is going to be my next The last guardian. I’ll hit menopause before I can start playing the damn thing.

In an interview with Time, she defended her tirade, describing it as satire. “I feel it’s really important that we make fun of everybody,” she said.

I’m in the same boat. It feels like a huge waste of time to cultivate a vault to have 30% of it wiped out by an attack. I don’t mind the difficulty it’s just exhausting at this point.

This is actually a great question, if anyone has an answer i would love to know.

The crazy is strong with this one.

I know you’re kidding but seriously this song was huge. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you’re kinda right.

Oh Thicke, you’ll never be as good as you were. I will always mourn the soulful long haired hippy on a bicycle. Q_q

Holy shit...

If the one standing is dead, how did they get her up right like that. It’s terrifying.

I actually never paid much attention the Mariah/ Em thing because i really loved them both. What’s funny is Mariah did a better job of defender herself then Nick.

Sense this all essentially boils down to what this ghost writer is or isn’t doing why hasn’t Quentin Miller said anything yet? Especially now that Meek Mill is putting him on blast and everything. I’m sure he has to have something to say or maybe he’s too afraid he may not work ever again? Inquiring commenters would

Weak Mill


Yea, I feel like all the subtle shit that drake is doing in the background speaks volumes. I personally really like charged up. The track sounds like what i think disappointed parents feel like. It gave me a hardy chuckle.

I’m so happy to see her making music again but the entire video i couldn’t help but think to myself “ please stop messing with your face?! Don’t fuck with perfection”.

Nothing after season five counts as legitimate to me.

I think Jess Glynne rendition of earned it far superior to y&y which is a shame he has the pitch for it but it didn’t work at least not too me.