Hey question... Could old games fall into public domain?
Hey question... Could old games fall into public domain?
I've been doing them for over a year on my phone... FIST BUMP! 8D
I'm paying about 180 -200 for my whole internet, tv, and phone. I would honestly cut out the phone service and the tv service in a heart beat and just stick with the internet, however I have other people who live here. They usually watch spanish shows which they can only get over cable packages... and cell phones DO…
How about they fix the god damn android facebook app so I can finally use the damn chat with my damn friends?
That was only the disc version if I remember correctly. Undead nightmare also came with the multiplayer DLC
...Wait a minute. Will this work on all android game emulators? If so.. I'M SO PLAYING SOME MOTHER FUCKING METROID AND CASTLEVANIA
I've been reading this page over for 30 minutes, and I still don't get how she won in excel.
Capcom = Japan Activision
What's Maroon 5?
Naughty Bear... The main reason why games shouldn't be $60+ dollars.
I'm not gonna lie... The ending of the game made me shed a tear.
Weird... I had multiple x-rays when I was a kid... None for broken bones or anything.
Honestly, I love single player games. Story > Multiplayer any day. But if the game offers multiplayer, I'll play it.
Wait.. how the hell did his doctors not realize this sooner? Didn't he have x-rays or anything when he was a kid?
Eh.. I'll stick with my ObamaLied2Me tag
Well you know blondes have more fun... and saves humanity from reapers.
Well, why not just create a 2d megaman game on the 3ds. I think that speaks for itself.
Your sister and I share the same birthday, except I'm a year older. D:
I always need a cig each time I go out drinking. Something about a cold hard drink and a cig just go hand and hand.