
Achievement unlocked: No means no! 10g

My dating techinques are all from phoenix wright

I only regret the time I spent playing horrible games. I'm looking at you, DMC2 and legend of dragoon.

Zombie hoard mode. Nuff said.

Man.. I really do not want to say it, but nintendo dropped the ball on this handheld for a number of reasons.

If the metal gear solid series has taught me anything, it was The Patriots.

I bought CT for DS too, and the guy over the counter was shocked that I was getting it and that I knew a good amount of info of the game that he gave me the soundtrack cd.


Does he lose the wings and turns into a regular koopa if I stomp on it?

I usually go to gamestop to buy old ps2 games. That's pretty much my only reason to even enter a gamestop... Just check their old games.

No Megaman, no buy.

For every good cosplay, there's 20 really bad ones.

For the love of god, I wish someone would kill him with the javelin glitch.

...Why wasn't this DLC? And no, don't give me the whole "OH THEY CHANGED TEH GAMEZ ENGINEZ SO U CAN XFACTOR IN AIUR!" excuse because Arksys gave a free update for CS going into CS2 which is a complete different game.

Yeah, the GOTY edition.

Which ones you're trying to get? If it's the minigun achivement, the best place for that is when Tenzin's town gets attacked. There's one section where it's an infinite spawn point

Replaying MGS4, going for another big boss run.

So which one is the best one to take to the gym? I just recently joined a gym and want a good app that will help me out. Mostly weight training since I'm skinny and I need to get buffed for my halloween costume... Yeah, shallow, I know.

I took the Pepsi challenge... and I still choose Pepsi over Coke.

Seems appropriate